Catalyst Undergraduate
Art Gallery
University of California, Irvine
Claire Trevor School of the Arts
ACT 2223
Catalyst is recruiting for the 2023-24 board! Applications will be out shortly.
If you love to see what your classmates are working on... you might be a Curator. If you love to showcase and share their work... you might be a Marketing Director. If you want to empower your classmates to push their work into new spaces (literally and figuratively)... you might be a Head Curator. And if you just love the whole gallery scene... you might be an Associate!
Potential board members will be contacted to schedule a casual interview. Orientation to the gallery operations will take place during the latter half of spring quarter, with incoming board members participating in the final Tenth Thursday showcase during week 10 of the Spring Quarter.
We can't wait for you to join the team! Click the link below to apply: